For everybody interested in magazine design and the designers behind it...
here the limited edition cover Gym Class Magazine
sweet illustrated by Alexander Wells and accompanies a Q&A in the issue by Bob Newman (@newmanology) with The New Yorker creative director Wyatt Mitchell. (here illustrated as Eustace Tilley; the magazine's dandy mascott)
Gym Class is a must have for all mag creatives!
Design & editor Steven Gregor, read here about him as guest editor of SPD
Gym Class is a quality zine about magazines and the peeps who make them, mostly.
Issue 11 includes Q&As with the creative director of The New Yorker; the editor and art director of ZEIT Magazine; the creative director of Monocle; and the creative director of magCulture.
148mm x 197mm. Full colour. 128 pages. Perfect bound.
The issue has two alternate covers. The limited edition cover is illustrated by Alexander Wells.
Gym Class Magazine Issue 11 (limited edition)